Web Based Human Resource Management System Developed in PHP.
- Mobile compatible.
- Multi language support.
- Admin and Employee panel.
- Beautiful Dashboard.
- Set working days, holidays and create events.
- Upcoming birthday notification.
- Control you notification settings.
- Department, designation management
- Complete employee management.
- View employee list.
- Employee attendance management.
- Attendance report monthly or yearly in PDF, Excel file.
- Generate attendance report.
- Receive, accept or reject applications.
- Complete payroll management.
- Set employee salary details.
- Make payment.
- Generate payslip.
- Create and manage notice board.
- Complete expense management.
- Add or manage expenses.
- Configure personalized mailbox.
- Receive and send email.
- Save email as draft for later use.
- Database backup
Employee Account Features
- Submit new application
- View previous applied applications
- Get notified of his / her applied applications
- Send or receive new mails.
- View inbox and sent items.
- View Recent Notice
- View Up coming Events
- View his / her personal information
- View holiday list
- View award list.
Admin Account Features
- Manage general setting and information of your company.
- Set working days.
- Create leave category according to your need.
- Set notification settings.
- Create holiday list and manage holidays.
- Select language settings.
- Create department and set designation under department.
- Add, update or delete employee.
- Set employee salary details.
- Give employee awards.
- Manage employee attendance with intelligent attendance management system.
- Generate attendance report monthly or yearly in PDF, Excel file.
- Set application category.
- View, set status to employees application.
- Interactive and intelligent payroll management.
- Set employee salary details and type.
- View update employee salary list if required.
- Make payment of employee salary.
- Generate payslip of salary for employees.
- Expense management of company.
- Create and manage expense category.
- Add expense amount and bill copy to track expenses.
- View and generate PDF of monthly, yearly expense report.
- Configure and update personal email in mailbox.
- View inbox and compose new email.
- View sent mails and save email as draft.
Generate and maintain notice