

Aisal e sawab series by jumabazar.pk

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سورہ یسین ،پنج سورہ، قرآن پاک، مختلف سورہ، سیپارہ سیٹ اور اسلامک کتب خریدنے عطیہ کرنے اور ان پر اپنے پیاروں کا نام پرنٹ کروانے کے لیے رابطہ کریں Whatsapp +92 322 4284220 Website www.jumabazar.pk Facebook page www.facebook.com Email [email protected]

8 Ways to Control Your Anger Issues

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Allah (SWT) created humankind weak by nature and they are to be tested in this worldly life. They become angry and happy, they grieve and rejoice, they become sick and recover to enjoy their health and the wise among them…

Riyadus-Saliheen (2 Vol. Set)

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Islam is distinguished from other religions only because its teachings are from Allah and they have not been altered till this day. The word “Islam” comes from “security”. There is security in every aspect of it. Security in life and…

60 Golden Hadiths for Children

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How can we ensure that our children follow the path of Islam and sunnah? How can we teach them from a young age? Which hadiths are suitable for children? We all have these questions pop up in our mind and this blog hopes to…

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